Unique/strong name OR space-themed?
We're getting this black German Shephard female this week. We're are torn between doing a strong, unique name that you don't hear often (like the name from a video game, mythology, etc) or an ode to her black coat that isn't annoyingly obvious (i.e. not Shadow or Eclipse or Salem). Maybe something space-themed as a nod to her black coat.
We'll obviously wait to see how she acts, but we still want ideas!
We have a short-list, but we feel like there has to be a few great ones we're missing.
Names we're considering:
Sheeva (Mortal Kombat character)
Kitana (Mortal Kombat)
Halsey (after Dr. Catherine Halsey from Halo)
Victra (from the Red Rising book series we both loved)
Sidra (meaning "from the stars," and nod to space/blackness)
Sedna (a dwarf planet in our solar system)
Singularity (as in the center of a black hole)
Imari (after Dr. Sara Imari Walker, a cosmologist and astrobiologist, the co-developer of the Assembly Theory)
Seti (after SETI- the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence)
We're getting this black German Shephard female this week. We're are torn between doing a strong, unique name that you don't hear often (like the name from a video game, mythology, etc) or an ode to her black coat that isn't annoyingly obvious (i.e. not Shadow or Eclipse or Salem). Maybe something space-themed as a nod to her black coat.
We'll obviously wait to see how she acts, but we still want ideas!
We have a short-list, but we feel like there has to be a few great ones we're missing.
Names we're considering:
Sheeva (Mortal Kombat character)
Kitana (Mortal Kombat)
Halsey (after Dr. Catherine Halsey from Halo)
Victra (from the Red Rising book series we both loved)
Sidra (meaning "from the stars," and nod to space/blackness)
Sedna (a dwarf planet in our solar system)
Singularity (as in the center of a black hole)
Imari (after Dr. Sara Imari Walker, a cosmologist and astrobiologist, the co-developer of the Assembly Theory)
Seti (after SETI- the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence)